$75.00 USD

One-on-one banjo lessons

Hey there! I'm here to help you learn the banjo. 

This is for a one-hour 1:1 banjo lesson. Whether you're looking for regular lessons or a one-off to brush up on something or learn song, I can help!

How it works 

Just purchase here, and you'll automatically be able to book your lesson. I have some set times I'm available each week but I can also work with your schedule and make more times available if you email me at [email protected]

After that, you'll be able to login and we'll do the lesson with super-easy video - nothing to install and it works for everyone. 

I'm also happy to record the lesson so you can re-watch it any time. I'll do this by default, so just let me know if you'd prefer not to!

And just a note, clawhammer is my primary style, and that's what I teach in these lessons. 


What People Are Saying:

I found Jack through his YouTube channel , he has a great style and I really liked his type of music . I have been practicing for a number of months and felt that I was unsure about the direction or progress ‘along the path’ that was to my vision of the banjo player I want to be . I had a private lesion with Jack so I could ‘slow down , reassess and move forward with confidence that I was doing the ‘right’ thing. Jack gave me some trick and routines to practice and a goal. Once I achieve it I will book my next lesson. If you are ‘on the fence’ with having a private lesion, I would tell you this “you spent the money buying the banjo, you have an idea of banjo player you want to be , why would you hinder yourself from achieving the goal by not having a lesson!”

Andy R.