$27.00 USD

Personalized Video Feedback - $17

You can send in a video of you playing, or with any questions you might have and I'll send a video back with advice and feedback. 


Cuckoo Bird Live Session Replay

This is a replay of our recent live session where we learned to play the sawmill classic Cuckoo Bird

What you'll get:

  • 50 minutes of video content teaching how to play Cuckoo Bird
  • Workbook containing 2 different versions of Cuckoo Bird with practice exercises
  • Slow playthrough video with a metronome so you can practice along. 

Keep in mind, this is a lightly edited live session. I've edited out the participants for privacy reasons and added video interludes to answer questions. But it's rough, and representative of a BanjoSkills live session. You can see the first two minutes here.

What People Are Saying:

Jacks live session was really great! He has a really kind approach and gave everyone individualized feedback. It was an enjoyable and educational class that I think many new/intermediate players would benefit from joining!

Jeff H